Next Meeting

  • Wednesday 4th October 2023
  • 7pm
  • Bargara Lakes Tavern, Lakes Drive Bargara

What's on the Agenda

  • Presidents Report
  • Treasurers Report
  • Council Report
  • New Projects
  • Police Report
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Guest Speaker

To Come


We meet on the first Wednesday of each month at 7pm

Meetings are held at the Bargara Lakes Tavern in the Alfresco area. This is subject to change due to availability of the space as we can get large numbers to the meetings.

When you become a members you can contribute to the community through our fundraising events, community projects and support. 

Meetings can go for an hour to an hour and a half depending on how many guest speakers we have and what needs to be addressed at each meeting.

Becoming a member is easy, just come to one of our meetings and pay your $5 annual fee which is dues every December.

Yes when you become a member we put you on a mailing list and send out invites to the meeting each month as well as any updates on community events and news.

Be an active member of your community

Join the Bargara Progress Association and give back to your community. We welcome all residents of Bargara to be part of this great organisation.

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